Can you help me?
Waiting at a traffic light in between appointments, I saw my gas light was on. I’d need to fill up if I was to make it to my next destination. I pulled into the next available station and quickly ran inside with a $20 bill, hoping it would tide me over for a few days.
Hustling back out, I saw an elderly woman looking distressed, standing behind her car next to the pump. “Can you help me?” she asked in broken English with a thick Russian accent. I surmised that she was having trouble releasing the cover to her gas cap. As I quickly moved to help, she burst into tears, saying, “My husband died on Sunday. This is his car; I don’t understand it.” She dissolved into sobs.
My heart broke for her. Finding the release button, I placed the gas nozzle into the car and helped figure out her credit card payment. “Do you have any people to help you?” She nodded and answered, “My kids and family, I’m on my way to funeral home now.” More tears. The gas pumped on. I asked her if I could pray for her, not knowing how much she would understand. But she knew enough to put hands on her heart and bow her head, while I placed my hand on her shoulder.
I asked that the peace and comfort of God would arrive for her in tangible ways. I prayed in Jesus’ name until the gas pump clicked off, and then said, “Amen.” With a wet face, she crossed herself (she was probably Russian orthodox), and kissed me on each cheek, thanking me for the kindness. I made sure there was nothing more I could do, finished filling my car, and made my exit.
We waved at each other as we drove off in opposite directions. The total exchange took no more than seven minutes. I didn’t see it coming, but the Lord had cued it up and was looking for an “image bearer” to put His compassion on display for a few minutes. As I think back, that might have been the best use of time in the whole day.
Looking back over 2023, I remember many such stories. Perhaps they are the better Key Performance Indicators of what God has been doing with KPI than anything else. May the future bring many more. Even so, here are a few numbers that also give a picture of 2023:
School of Kingdom Ministry Students practicing their learnings
1000 participated in Prophetic Prayer & Communion (PPC) events
80 people served regularly on PPC evenings, from over a dozen churches
At least 10 different PPC-like events have happened aside from Northstar this year. The influence is growing.
50 people trained through the “basic prayer” training
45 people served regularly on Sunday morning prayer teams at Northstar
4 different traveling prayer teams served ministries and companies
16 students in the School of Kingdom Ministry (9th year running)
Countless other pastoral care and prayer ministry appointments
Men of the fire!
We pray your holiday season bubbles forth with warmth and joy. We are so appreciative of your investment in KPI. We look ahead to a purposeful 2024!