Hide and Seek
We are currently sheltering in place like everyone else right now. Something unnatural is going on (or supernatural, I think!) The phrase I’ve heard throughout is, “I’ve never seen anything like it in all my days.” Reminds me of Joel 1:2-3, where the prophet describes a ravaging locust plague to the onslaught of an invading army soon to sweep over Israel. “Has anything like this ever happened in your days or in the days of your fathers?”
A global equalizing event, the likes of which the nations have never seen. And so, we’ve retreated to couches, looking out windows. Spring has sprung and we sit stunned.
Makayla has cabin fever, or perhaps her parents do. Creative as we are, there are only so many things one can do in a small house. “Hide and seek” is a family favorite. The go-to game when the kids where younger, and it’s been revived with her. You’d think that after multiple rounds, every available hiding nook would be found, but she’s quite the magician. Of course, she finds more pleasure in the “hiding” than in the seeking, so I play my part. When I find her, she’s usually contorted beneath a desk, motionless under blankets or squeezed tightly in bathroom cupboards. How does she even get in there? A few times, I was convinced she actually left the house, only to hear her burst out in laughter when I threw in the towel. That’s the thrill.
With hands over eyes and ears, counting to 30, I always call out loudly, “Ready or not, here I come!” then traipse towards the familiar hiding places, searching for a giggly 10-year-old. What is monotonous to me, is excitement to her, and so I keep it up.
This week she found me in the kitchen. “Wanna play hide and seek?”
“Not right now,” I said, already preparing her lunch.
“Come on, just once,” she continued, on and on.
“Alright, just once, because I’ve got things cooking on the stove.”
“Ok, Ok, you count, and I’ll hide,” she said. So, with eyes closed, I began to count, thinking more about lunch than the game. I counted softly to myself, only looking up to flip the sausage. Then my phone vibrated with a text and, still counting, I read and answered the text. My counting ceased, without me even realizing. The sizzle from the pan caught my attention. So, I finished Makayla’s lunch, stirring the macaroni and dishing out the sausage onto plates. The milk was poured and the table set. I called for Makayla, but no response. Not a peep.
“Ma-kay-la, come to lunch!” As I was rooting around in the fridge for myself, I expected pounding feet to come down the stairs, but nothing. What's going on?I thought. “Makayla!” I called again. “Come to lunch.” Nothing but crickets. I was just about to get angry when I realized that I’d forgotten the game. Wow, how long had it been? In a loud voice, I belted. “Ready or not here I come!”
She was perfectly camouflaged in the front coat closet. When I opened the door, she couldn’t contain herself and burst forth with a “Boo!” pushing coats aside.
“What’s for lunch?” she asked, running past me to the kitchen. “Mmmm, my favorite,” she said with glee, seeing her plate. I followed, wondering how long she would have stayed hidden before eventually coming out.
"The Lord desires to be sought after in every season"
“What took you so long, Dad?” she said, munching happily.
“Oh, I got a little distracted,” I said.
“Yeah, me too,” she said. “That delicious sausage smell almost made me quit our game.”
Smiling, I said, “Why didn’t you and just come out for lunch?”
“I didn’t want to ruin the game for you, Dad.” Spoken with absolute innocence. I smiled all the more, not admitting that my head wasn’t in the game.
I wonder if God is engaged in a type of “hide and seek” game with me, one I agreed to play, but that I get distracted from as I work other plans?
Some feel “locked up” with all the isolation, while others recast it in a different light. I wonder if Satan ever kicks himself for putting Paul in chains, seeing how God used his jail sentence to inspire so much of the New Testament. Those letters from prison have fueled the Church for generations. What is God releasing to the Church during lockdown? What if this confinement is our “prison opportunity” today? What if God is saying, “Draw near right now, listen and learn, because you’ll need to draw from these days for a day yet to be.” Is something coming tomorrow that needs heart attention today? “Hide and seek” only works when someone goes looking.
"Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:12-13)
The Lord desires to be sought after in every season; yet, in this worldwide pause, He’s arrested us, isolated us, and uniquely invited us to seek Him, and He’s not far off. He’s right within reach.
For those cooped up and perhaps distracted, the phrase God most wants to hear from you is, “Ready or not, here I come.”
Who’s seeking who these days?
Prophetic Prayer & Communion
We live under quarantine still, therefore the next dates are yet to be announced.
Services are still being streamed at 9am on Sundays, as well as Friday's noon devotional worship set (golovelive.com/media)
Jump School
Rus started teaching a 4-week online class with a friend called "Being the Church... Now" as part of Crossroads' Jump School.
School of Kingdom Ministry
SOKM continues with all classes happening through video calls. A different, but useful, experience!
Text to Give
KPI has a new giving option! You can text GIVE to 833-989-0590. It will then direct you to the giving platform. Thanks to all for your support!