Pause and Remember
Not long ago, I was reading through the gospel of John, placing myself in the storyline as I love to do. At the end of John 10, I sensed a pause at verse 40. “Then Jesus went back across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing in the early days.” As I lingered there, I sensed God say, “look at your rings.” And I remembered...
Rarely has anyone asked why I wear both gold and silver wedding bands on my finger, but they stand as a reminder of a transitional season of life. I found a sliver wedding band on the floor of the building that was to become the Cincinnati House of Prayer back in 2002. Those who were helping me clean didn’t claim it, so I kept it on my finger and, surprisingly, it fit perfectly. In the weeks that followed, I’d ask God to connect me with the true owner, but God used it to convince me about taking a big step in ministry, reminding me that He would never leave or forsake me.
Feeling faith arise, I asked God, “How am I to provide for the family if we take this lifestyle step?” and right then I heard. “What color are the rings?”
“Silver and gold,” I thought, staring at them again and, just then, what was obvious to others became clear to me. “The silver and gold are His, He will supply all your needs according to His riches.” Amazing confidence arrived and boosted my heart.
"The silver and gold are His, He will supply all your needs according to His riches"
The next Sunday at church, a woman had asked my opinion about a puzzling dream she had. I mentioned that God sometimes gives us signs to cause our hearts to wonder, and maybe her dream was just that. I recounted how this ring had been that for me. She was fascinated and asked to see it. Upon examining it, she nearly freaked out. Imagine my amazement when she cried out, “That’s my husband’s wedding ring!” She explained that, since his hands had grown, she wore his original ring on a chain around her neck, but had lost it recently on a job, a cleaning business servicing industrial parks. They had worked in the very building the week I had been cleaning myself. The smoothed-over date engraved on the inside of the ring was proof positive. “My husband is a new believer; he’s never going to believe this. I’ve been asking God to put that ring in good safe hands and here it is.” She was almost shaking in excitement.
I put the ring in her hand and told her to tell her husband how God had used it to give me courage for our family’s next steps. I was glad the ring was back to the rightful owner, but a little sad, too; it had been such a great visual reminder for me.
The next day, this couple appeared at my door. She said, “I told my husband everything.” He then shared, “Last night, I felt prompted to go to a jeweler and buy you the exact same silver ring. I don’t have much experience with God’s voice, but I get the sense that in the future, you’ll need a reminder of what He said to you.” My jaw nearly hit the ground when he produced the ring and gave it to me.
I’ve worn it ever since, and it has steadied me multiple times as I recall God’s promise of vision and provision. These were the memories exploding in my mind when I heard Him say, “Look at your rings.”
I realized that Jesus was experiencing something similar in those verses.
The days of his public ministry were closing, His statements of divinity were rising, and those seeking his life were growing. He escaped their hands in Jerusalem, and took the road down 18 miles towards the Jordan river valley in retreat. Though it wasn’t a retreat, it was an advance. Jesus was returning to where identity first asserted itself.
It was at the Jordan river near Jericho where John the Baptist, robed in the garments of Elijah, first pointed Him out. “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” It was there, on the Jordan, where the disciples made their decision to follow Him. It was at this place, where Jesus had John baptize him. It was at that very place where the skies opened and the Spirit of God as a dove descended upon Him. It was there that the audible voice of His Father said, “This is my son in whom I am well pleased.” And it was from there that He was led into the wilderness to be tested by Satan. It was there that the commissioning of God’s ministry was given.
“Here he stayed…” I think that was the crux of the “pause” for me. Jesus stayed… He stayed rooted and grounded in who He was, an identity that His Father gave Him and revealed to the world. He seemed to enjoy being there, even delaying his trip to Bethany when the news that His friend Lazarus was sick and had died.
This was a significant place for Jesus, a touchpoint where He remembered and drew strength. I wonder if an angel came to strengthen Him, like they did in the wilderness after the testing, or like they would in the Garden of Gethsemane in the days ahead. He knew that when He took the road back up to Jerusalem this time, He wouldn’t be returning, but would be completing the work His Father gave Him to do.
When God gives you a touchpoint in your life, as He inevitably does with those He loves, do you revisit it? Do you remember?
Jesus stood in the very place where men, messenger and heaven spoke the truth, and He steadied Himself. Jesus, the Son of God, remembered who He was. A life that is true, roots itself in identity.
Stand, touch, remember. What is your touch point?
March 30th
9:30 - 11AM
in the Student Room at Northstar
It's our hope that the culture of prayer will be ever-increasing at Northstar. We want to become people who seek God personally and pray for people corporately.
In this training, you'll learn the values and practice of prayer that we encourage at Northstar. It's designed to equip anyone desiring to take a step into kingdom ministry, especially those looking to hone their skill in praying for others. This necessary step is expected for those hoping to be involved on prayer ministry teams.
In this training, you'll receive inspiration of what God is doing, instruction on how to partner with Him, and practical experience in walking that out.
For more information, contact Rusty at
The next Prophetic Prayer and Communion is April 14th at 7pm! Join us for a sweet time of listening and prayer.